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Understand your data

Analysis is an iterative process. Viewing your results on an interactive map makes it easy to adjust and tweak your analysis until you find the answers you need.

  • Analyse patterns to make predictions and determine next steps
  • Reveal relationships and outliers in your data
  • Join data located in multiple places or add a location element to your data
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Find the best location

Ready to start or expand your business? Choosing the correct location is critical for success. Using the analysis tools in ArcGIS Online, you can:

  • Discover locations that meet your requirements
  • Identify locations that have similar characteristics of other locations
  • Map the demographics and population segments of potential and existing customers
  • Identify the optimum site to maximize profit and minimize customer travel

Use optimal directions and routes

Need to choose your route based on specific requirements such as speed limits, toll roads, or overpass heights? Hoping to save money by cutting travel costs? ArcGIS Online analysis tools help you optimize your directions and routes.

  • Identify the best routes
  • Calculate travel costs by time and distance
  • Choose directions based on organisational requirements or vehicle limitations
  • Gain maximum efficiency by planning stops and routes for each vehicle

Learn more about your location

Looking to learn more about what is going on in your neighbourhood or city? Wondering how many people are impacted by an event? ArcGIS Online includes tools to help you understand what’s going on at any given location.

  • Gather information about people, places of interest, and businesses
  • Identify the number and type of people or facilities within a certain number of miles
  • Estimate the number of people impacted by an event

Perform real-time and big data analysis

Need to analyse IoT sensor data?

ArcGIS Analytics for IoT is an add-on capability that can help you design real-time analytics to perform processing and analysis on individual messages as they are received. You can also perform batch analysis and processing over space and time on your stored data.

  • Perform geofencing
  • Summarize observations
  • Analyse patterns
  • Detect incidents
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