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Use Cases

Open data management to business data owners

Your GIS organisation can maintain the roadway LRS while delegating business data management to the data owners. Use the Roadway Characteristic Editor web application to empower roadway inventory data maintainers to edit and maintain their own data.

Keep assets, pavement, traffic and safety systems aligned with roadway changes

Centralise roadway LRS management so business systems don't duplicate effort by managing multiple copies of an LRS. Publish web services that can be integrated with other business systems to keep measures in alignment with roadway edits.


Make roadways safer and optimise traffic flow

Use ArcGIS Desktop to do time-based visualisation and analysis of traffic, crash data and roadway asset data.

Maintain a centerline for all roads by collaborating with local governments

Build a national roadway network that includes local government managed roadways. Use scriptable loading tools to merge roads provided from the local governments with national roads.


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