9:00AM-9:10AM | Loretta Palacio | Opening Prayer & Welcome Total Business Solutions Ltd. |
9:10AM-9:25AM | Dr. Earl Edwards (Keynote Speaker) The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad |
9:30AM-9:45AM | Alson Ovando Belize Association of Planners |
9:50AM-10:05AM | Rubiere Ramirez Statistical Institute of Belize |
10:10AM-10:25AM | Olivia Avilez | Vasni Pech Belize Sugar Industries Ltd., ASR |
10:25AM-10:30AM | Break | |
10:30AM-10:45AM | Wuelmer Escobar Ministry of National Defence and Border Security |
10:50AM-11:05AM | Andria Rosado Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute |
11:10AM–11:25AM | Johny Tzib Belize Forest Department & University of Belize |
11:30AM-12:00PM | Closing, Prizes & More Giveaways |
Virtual Forum
November 17, 2021 | 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Developing Spatial Literacy, Inspiring A Generation, Building Our Future