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Healthcare Location Intelligence

Location intelligence is key to understanding national and local patterns in health, from providing insight on localised health inequalities to responding to outbreaks at any scale. Join our webinar series to discover intuitive, affordable and scalable technology that is being used to rapidly deliver strategic solutions in UK Healthcare.

Introducing Healthcare location intelligence

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Discover why major health organisations across the UK are using location intelligence for applications as diverse as demand management, service commissioning, asset optimisation and resource allocation.

Geographic approaches to demographic & population health data

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Enable a deeper understanding of your population's health, assets and services by visualising, communicating and sharing geographically through location intelligence.

Demand management & service optimisation - patterns, predictions & prevention within Healthcare

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Uncover previously unknown relationships between disparate datasets using location intelligence. Better inform evidence-based decision making, predict service demand and optimise planning and prioritisation.

Healthcare asset optimisation, resource allocation & estates management

26th January 2021

11am - 12pm


Improve visibility of assets, replace paper-based data collection with easy to use mobile apps and match service provision to demand. Gain a holistic picture for informed decision making through location intelligence.

Indoor navigation, asset tracking & environmental monitoring - harness IoT for hospitals & Healthcare

23rd February 2021

11am - 12pm


Location intelligence revolutionises facilities management and efficient routing of patients and staff, whilst accurately tracking critical asset locations using IoT. Collect data from IoT sensors to monitor variables such as air quality and patient wellbeing for proactive intervention.