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Connected Government

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Government building

Start your connected government journey today

By leveraging location intelligence, governments are connecting sensors, people and organisations to drive their communities forward.

Embrace inter-agency and citizen collaboration

Data Collaboration

Multi-agency collaboration and open data are successful, data-centric sharing capabilities driving smart cities forward. We are supporting agencies to leverage location intelligence to share their own data, while tapping into the power of using external data from the private sector, national government, other agencies and municipalities to solve problems.
Local authorities host multi agency data drills
Around the UK, local authorities are hosting data drills to exercise their data collaboration capability. Discover how we can help you host your own data drill within your region.
Data Drills
Unlock value with open data
Create a two-way engagement platform to engage and collaborate with your community on opportunities that benefit everyone.
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Empower your field operators

Connected Workforce

Location intelligence delivered using ArcGIS, improves coordination and operational efficiency in field workforce activities. By connecting your workforce, government agencies are ensuring both field and office workers use the same authoritative data to reduce errors, boost productivity and save money.
Mobile solution saves UK council £275K
Following the launch of their location-based data collection solution for mobile workers, Wiltshire Council has identified savings of £275,000 in one department alone.
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Out-of-the-box apps for field mobility
Give your workforce ready access to smart mobile apps. Find out how you can get started quickly and easily by using ArcGIS apps for field mobility.
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Harness IoT’s full potential

IoT for Smart Communities

Cities offer endless opportunities for data collection via sensors on public assets however, cities become smart when they integrate the internet of things with other sources of data and use analysis to improve the lives of residents.
Making the most of IoT
Discover how the city of Barcelona saved $58 million on water and $37 million annually on lighting, increased its parking revenue by $50 million per year and created 47,000 new jobs by leveraging location intelligence with IoT.
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Using IoT to make big predictions
In an interview with Forbes, Brian Cross, Director of Professional Services at Esri shares real-world use cases including how IoT and location intelligence was used to predict the flow of water during the entire cycle of Hurricane Harvey.
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